Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Of Anne and Packing...

Hello! This is my first post on this Canadian themed blog, and it, ironically, is not being posted from Canada. In a couple of days I fly to the reportedly beautiful country to begin a study abroad semester at the University of Prince Edward Island! Yet for now, I'm at home, packing and re-packing and getting generally more antsy to begin the trip.

(a deceptively organized looking picture that may or may not be the third attempt at CRAMMING EVERYTHING IN)

As a bit of background information, Prince Edward Island is, of course, most famously known as the setting of the classic Anne of Green Gables novels by LM Montgomery. I have been a fan of the 1980's film adaptations since I was about six and have seen them all countless times. Yet I had always neglected to read the books. Which is crazy, because I'm a voracious reader

To be fair, I did try to read the first one when I was about nine, but I gave up after two chapters because, as I remember thinking, "This is just like the movie but with harder words."

Anyway, I began rectifying this problem in the summer and am currently in the midst of reading the fourth Anne book and am more excited than ever to get to the Island. (The books are amazing. Read them. But maybe only if you have an upcoming trip to Canada planned. Otherwise, I take no responsibility for your inevitable obsession.)

I fly out in two days and will begin frequently updating this blog with posts about any Canada themed excitement, airport conundrums, and culture shock (I'm quite concerned about how my Amazon Prime and Netflix will be affected, but more on that later). For now I'll leave you with some Anne/LM Montgomery wisdom.

(from Anne of Avonlea by LM Montgomery) 

1 comment:

  1. Soooo excited for your trip and to watch from the States.
